We like to welcome everyone and we are gently evangelical where ‘gently’ reflects the way we aim to walk alongside people who may be with us for a time on their journey of faith and who wish to enquire or discover more about who Jesus is for them.
As a community, we are of different ages and backgrounds- we welcome people whether they have been brought up from a Christian faith background or those who haven't and are still trying to work it all out.
- We value the Bible with its message of God’s love for all humanity, the work of the Holy Spirit among us, not least in worship, and the opportunity to enhance people’s quality of life both locally and in the wider world.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is good news, that he offers a radical welcome, a great and generous invitation to share in the wonder-filled blessings both of God’s creation and of a relationship with God. We also believe that Jesus offers some great challenges to this and all generations.
- Although God invites us to share our needs and concerns, prayer is not so much an activity through which we talk to God as a relationship in which we encounter God and God's great love for us. At the heart of prayer is God's acceptance of us; the joy of knowing that we are welcome in the presence of our Creator.
Jesus taught his disciples to make specific requests for God to bring his love, peace and goodness to bear on current human situations. Both the world as a whole and people’s individual lives are spoiled by suffering, injustice and other calamities. God invites us to bring such things in prayer with the promise that he is more powerful than the darkness that sometimes surrounds us.
Finally, we affirm the calling of all God's people, remembering Paul's words,
"There is is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus". Galatians 3:28
For more information about the church community see the links below:-